Updates to Direct Air’s Accounts team

By Direct Air & Pipework
schedule23rd May 24

We're proud to announce that Direct Air have taken on an additional employee to join the accounts department!

During the end of May last year, Direct Air’s Accounts Administrator, Louise, headed off on maternity leave to begin the exciting journey of becoming a first time mother. Therefore, Direct Air welcomed Clare as a temporary employee in the accounts department to cover during this time. Clare’s dedication to this role over the past year did not go unnoticed, which has resulted in her now permanent position in the accounts department – alongside Louise, who we recently welcomed back from maternity leave in March. 

Let’s see how Clare has found her time at Direct Air so far…

How has it been settling in at Direct Air?

I feel I have really settled into the team at Direct Air and have learnt how the business operates. Being able to shadow Louise prior to her maternity leave provided me with the insight to the business that I needed. I love working independently but I do really like to feel part of a team and everyone here is very friendly and have made me feel extremely welcome.

How are you getting on within your permanent role so far?

I began working for Direct Air on 6th March 2023 in a temporary position. I was employed to cover Louise’s accounts role whilst she was taking her maternity leave. I worked alongside Louise for around 8 weeks, here she showed the company accounts processes, and I began to cover the day-to-day duties whilst she was here to support with any questions that I had. In February 2024 I was offered a permanent position of Accounts Administrator which I was thrilled to accept, this meant that I would be working alongside Louise on her return to work in March 2024. I have been working here for almost 15 months and I have really enjoyed learning about the company and building relationships with colleagues, customers and suppliers.

What are you most looking forward to as you continue your journey at Direct Air?

I enjoy working alongside Louise as part of Direct Air’s Accounts team. I’m looking forward to growing our positive working relationship and learning more about the department and company and my experience increases. I’m also looking forward to being part of this growing successful family business.

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